Preparing for end of life

It’s a bit of a taboo subject and one most of us would rather avoid. But like it or not, we will all be touched by the death of a loved one, or perhaps even several loved ones before we eventually have to face our own mortality.

Most of us at some point have had fleeting thoughts about how we would like our life to be ‘celebrated’ when we die. You may have chosen the song to be played at your funeral, and you’ve considered a burial vs cremation. Perhaps you have already picked out your plot, or chosen that special place you’d like your ashes to lay. But have you ever thought about how you’d like to die?

It’s rather a strange thing to think about, but it’s a necessary conversation that has to be had, not only for your sake but for that of your loved ones. Given the choice, when the time comes, would you prefer to be in hospital or at home? Do you have a ‘living will’ document in place? If your loved one or power of attorney had to make a medical decision on your behalf, it’s going to be a lot less distressing if they’re aware of your wishes. What are your parting words with your loved ones going to be, and what if you can’t speak at all? Have you had the forward thought of leaving personalised notes to your nearest and dearest loved ones?

These are all confronting yet necessary questions and we encourage you to open up the conversation no matter what your age. Envigor offers private, in home palliative care in support of individuals, their family and carers. Our staff have been highly trained to provide care with dignity and respect while personalising the experience in line with the individual and the families final wishes.

Contact Envigor today on 1300 368 446.


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